June 18, 2009

Change Please!

Hunting for change is not a very happy thing especially at a parking lot. A non cooperative sulking security guard makes the experience even worse. A change machine offers you the solution. Below is a change machine aka coin dispenser installed on Brigade Road, one of the busiest streets in Bangalore. It's been there for a couple of years now but I never noticed. It isn't very conspicuous. If not for the noise of the coins dropping into the disbursement pan, I would not have taken notice today too.

You can feed in currencies in denomination of Rs 10, 50 and 100 and get your change in coins of 5 /- How cool is that? The automated parking system installed in Brigade Road accepts only coins of 5/-. While I clicked the machine away, a proud guard apprises me that the RBI is the only other place which has this vending machine in Bangalore.


Manu said...

A very useful machine. Especially since change is the only constant!

Hopefully in the future we will have a coin machine along with every ATM...

Asuomynon said...

In the future people will have micro chips embedded inside them which will act as bank-creditcard-debitcard-government tax collector.