Exactly a week ago, my friend Chandana who lives in Troy, Michigan announced, "We are getting a puppy home!". I thought she was kidding. She never had anything, even remotely, to do with dogs. Then she sent me a picture (below) of a 2 week old Mac, a Labrador pup. Mac is indeed cute, though I would have called him Cloud. I have a thing for the name and always have wanted to name my pet that. I was more than willing to donate the name, but she was no taker :(
Chandana feels Mac is going to be the sole solution to the mundanity of their life. Also, having to look after him, they will grow more responsible. When asked about her new found love for dogs, she told me she has been watching 'Dog Whisperer' in National Geographic Channel and she couldn't wait to get one puppy home.
A clean and organized home will be a thing of past now. Very soon territories will be marked all over. Her footwear, bags, couch will turn his favourite chew toys. Nothing worries her. She is determined to bring up Mac to a good boy. I hope Mac will make his parents proud one day.
Happy Parenting Chandana & Hemant! :)
Thanks Minu!
Thanks Minu..
Well as u know my house was never a place thats clean and organized.. Hope Mac would give me a hand in cleaning and organizing it.. :D
I wish i could share this moment with u in Bangalore..
Okay now you might want Mac to cook, do the dishes, laundry for you. Poor Mac! He doesn't know what he is getting into. ;)
I guess am as excited as you. I'll have to wait till you get him to India. But make sure that he is aware of my existence. :)
sure dear... i'll show him ur Photo and say this is Minu (Aunty??) :D
See! Too much of an expectation from a li'l one. You think you can program him to do some facial recognition!!!
I like the name "cloud"... You seem to have a thing for Meteorology! No wonder U pounced on the topic of Wasteland when I mentioned it in passing!!! So when I get a pup, i will come to you.. Hopefully, the name will have no takers, till then! :)
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